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Harnessing the Power of Feedback for Continuous Improvement

The adage goes that people “fear public speaking more than death.” However, do we fear giving and receiving feedback even more than public speaking? 

At our rational best, we “know” that good feedback—whether positive or constructive, manager-to-employee, or peer-to-peer—is a cornerstone for personal and organizational growth. In feedback-rich cultures, individuals and teams thrive by learning what’s working and not working, adapting behaviors and continuously improving while measuring outcomes.    

This understanding works “on paper” for most of us…and doesn’t always translate to giving or receiving the feedback that is needed in the moment. 

What gets in the way? 

Certainly, many people veer away from giving feedback because they worry it will generate tension or anxiety. Furthermore, most of us have experienced giving or receiving feedback that’s too vague or high-level, followed by the absence of any meaningful change. Another barrier to seizing the feedback moment is that constructive feedback can be taken very personally, triggering self-doubt and defensive reactions.  

It doesn’t have to be this hard to emancipate good feedback from theory to real life!  

One of the most effective feedback models is the SBI Approach (Situation, Behavior, Impact), developed by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). SBI offers a clear, actionable method for delivering feedback that resonates with individuals, mitigating ambiguity and personal bias while accelerating positive changes.  



SBI in ActionSituation – Describe the specific context of the (helpful or unhelpful) behavior. 

1. Behaviour

Call out the observable actions (things you can see or hear) taken by the individual. 

2. Impact

Explain the result or consequence of the behavior on customers, team members, the organization, etc.  

Next, here’s an example of effectively using the model to deliver positive feedback: 

  1. Situation – “During yesterday’s client meeting…”  
  2. Behavior – “You asked insightful questions…”
  3. Impact – “Which built trust and showcased our expertise.” 

 On the flip side, here’s a good example of constructive feedback: 

  1. Situation – “During this morning’s team brainstorming session…”
  2. Behavior – “You interrupted a few team members mid-sentence…”
  3. Impact – “Which limited their ability to fully share their ideas.” 

In each of these examples, you’ll notice three elements that must be included for feedback to truly have an impact on what people think, say, and do: 

  1. Timeliness: The best feedback is delivered as close to the preceding event as possible to ensure relevance.
  2. Specificity: Quality feedback is focused on observable actions rather than assumptions or generalizations.
  3. Meaning: Feedback that elicits helpful change is connected in some manner to the person’s goals or team’s broader objectives. 

Beyond enabling successful feedback interactions, emotional readiness plays a crucial role in the effective use of the SBI framework. When individuals have improved emotional readiness, they’re better equipped to give and receive feedback constructively. Emotional readiness provides the clarity and balance needed to engage in meaningful conversations, ensuring that every feedback moment fuels continuous improvement for individuals and organizations. 


Practice Makes Perfect 

Like any skill, delivering impactful feedback takes practice. Regularly applying frameworks like SBI can help build confidence and competence over time. Start with low-stakes situations to refine your approach, focusing on being specific, timely, and meaningful. 

Feedback is a skill that benefits from reflection. After each interaction, ask yourself: 

  • Did I clearly communicate the situation, behavior, and impact? 
  • How did the other person respond, and what can I learn from their reaction? 
  • What adjustments can I make next time to improve the conversation? 

The more you practice, the more natural and effective feedback becomes, creating a ripple effect of growth and continuous improvement across your team and organization. 

Ready to start your journey with MUA? 

At MUA, we specialize in building emotionally ready workplaces through tools that enhance overall collaboration, communication, and effectiveness. 

Our uniquely designed learning system replaces traditional, outdated engagement solutions. We effectively combine science, technology, and coaching to assess and develop the skills people need to thrive.

Organizations using MUA experience the difference immediately: their people gain clarity in their roles, collaborate seamlessly, and adapt to change with less resistance. 

Join us today and see how an emotionally ready workforce can transform your team’s potential.